The Main Causes Of Acne

Hyperkeratosis - is to increase the horny (top) layer of the skin. Due to coarsening of the skin sebaceous glands produce products and skin bacteria overlaps way out, they are locked inside the pores, inflamed and burst “into the light” through the pus. Reasons for the increase, coarsening of the stratum corneum may be: lack of vitamin A, the impact of external factors, chemical substances, as well as prolonged friction or pressure on the skin. At the same time as the disease develops due to the influence of hormones. acne no more scam
If hyperkeratosis of the sebaceous glands in the follicle accumulates not only sebum and dead skin cells and toxins and dirt, foreign bacteria, such inflammation must be treated carefully; otherwise you may dermatological problems with irreparable consequences.
Problems of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract) - Many doctors agree that one of the main causes of acne are the poor diet and bowel and stomach.

The main factor of influence, violating the sebaceous glands, doctors believes the lack of fatty and amino acids, and an overabundance of carbohydrates in the diet. Acne treatment and prevention of manifestations of acne or pimples in such cases was performed with long carbohydrate-free diet by appropriate vitamins and minerals. Provided the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can get rid of acne forever. Recent research has a direct link between diet and the onset or disappearance of acne is not confirmed


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