How To Chose Cosmetics Products

A variety of cosmetic products on the shelves today makes facials procedure, but if his youth and beauty you cherish more than my time, prefer natural facial at home. By 35 previously normal facial skin usually turns into dry and oily - in normal. Owners of a dry skin with youth - now have to be more careful and quivering with his face. Over time, you learn to take care of quickly and get used to the mask to do regularly, without spending a lot of time and effort.acne no more scam
Mask oil - Grind to a state of dust 1 hour spoonful of dried flowers of chamomile field, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and the same juice rowan. Stir well, pour 100 g of vegetable oil, if there is a better substitute for olive oil. Warm the mixture in a water bath until it cools down, clean your face.
By type compress, soak a thick layer of cotton or gauze mask, lie and apply it on the face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Cover with something soft, such as a towel and try to relax for half an hour. Wash your face after the procedure you need cold water and cool better prepared beforehand infusion linden flowers.
Apply the mask to once a week. If you have dry skin, after the procedure can be further moisturize your face and neck fat cream, it is desirable to pre-mix it with carrot juice or mountain ash.


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